This collection is for the young parent family’s family room. The entire collection is inspired by the Disney Alice in wonderland animated-movie. Focus on the fun shape and functions that related with my client’s lifestyle such as reading, gaming, inviting guest, and drinking. Try to keep simple and clean line.
This collection is based on the children’s psychology about their prefer color; avoid dark colors that fear children at night. Also, using bright color, especially, pastel tone that helps children’s thinking creatively. Some furniture is for the parents, like media console for dad to store his console game on a high shelf to keep safe from children, and lounge chair for mom’s reading hobby, and side table for wine time just next to the lounge chair. But most of the other pieces are offering the space to play together. Cocktail game table to play lego, chess, and card game. Bookcase that can laydown for children separately, but also can spend with parents together if it folds. Sectional sofa transform to hour nap bed for family. Shadow story book floor lamp that can read a fairytale story before sleep.